Cheap Cars That Look Expensive by Bartonrover

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On the Yahoo site today - among the Astons and the Alfas they list this old car called a Rover 75:

Rover 75 Price guide: £3,000

"Not an obviously glamorous choice, but it's easy to mistake a Rover 75 for the much more expensive Jaguar X-type at first glance. BMW were holding the reigns at Rover when this luxury saloon was conceived, and you get a host of indulgent treats: big seats, a wooden dash, sepia-tinted dials, and a refined cruising drive. The powerful and smooth 2.0L diesel engine is the one to choose; five-year old models with it are plentiful. For a truly thrifty £3,000 you can treat your friends to the chauffer-driven limousine experience."

Much more expensive X Type? ?

Posted 14 Dec 2010, 08:44 #1 

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Not a bad little write actually.
Superabit omnia virtus

Posted 14 Dec 2010, 08:47 #2 

Dave Goody
I don't think the X type was a lot more expensive? when they came out the entry level was about 17K?

Posted 15 Dec 2010, 11:58 #3 

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"I don't think the X type was a lot more expensive? when they came out the entry level was about 17K?..."

Quite so - and having had an X Type for a little more than a year I'd say it was noticeably so. I was very disappointed with mine - still not sure if that was the car's fault or simply that it had a hard act to follow in the 75!

Posted 15 Dec 2010, 15:39 #4 

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I think the writer is referring to trying to source a similarly specced X-Type for £3k?

We all know the 75 is a better car, beat the S-Type in many surveys at the time they were both released, never mind the X-Type.

Actually think, as others have said, that it's not a bad write up for the 75.
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Posted 16 Dec 2010, 10:34 #5 

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I think it's a blimmin cheek! :o ;)

The Rover 75 IS an expensive car, it is a very very luxurious car with loads of little extras built in just for the owners comfort and well being. :)

In my glove box I even found some of those lil things they use in golf to rest yer balls on before you drive off... brilliant!! :thumbsup: :clap:

Posted 19 Dec 2010, 00:55 #6 

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Zeb wrote: In my glove box I even found some of those lil things they use in golf to rest yer balls on before you drive off... brilliant!! :thumbsup: :clap:

The mind boggles..... :shock:

*Will see 75 drivers in a whole new light now.... :? *

Posted 24 Dec 2010, 14:52 #7 

