CDT died on the fixed by geesmith (Page 3 of 3)

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PM Jules for help, he's brill at it... But don't mention biscuits.. ;) :)

Posted 01 Jul 2010, 23:11 #41 

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For the rear seat, get a bit of broom handle or a stick of similar dimensions, and cut a Vee groove on the end. This can be used to hook the spring in and out at will (until next time you need it when it's missing).

Posted 02 Jul 2010, 16:56 #42 

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Thanks for the suggestions.. I've decided I need to become brill at this too. It didn't seem too urgent yet and I will sort it over the weekend along with the UBP. I'm hoping to make a better job than anyone else has but first i need to check the elastoplast and germolene stocks... :roll:

I've sharpened the sweeping brush like you said Duncan but not sure how much of a run up I should take? Is it full tilt? (it would probably be disrespectful to DeuxGazoles if I simply followed instructions correctly) ;)

cheers chums

Posted 02 Jul 2010, 18:22 #43 

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Depends whether you have lekky seats in the front. If so, jam the other end of the brush handle against the seatback and use the motor on the seat to push.

You may end up with a broomhandle shaped hole in your seatback but at least the rear seat will clip back in.

(Note for anyone reading this many years to come, and trying to sue me for damage, don't be stupid, I didn't mean it).

Posted 02 Jul 2010, 19:48 #44 

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*Next time i see a thread that sez "CDT died on the motorway" .. I will just send flowers!!!* :em:

Posted 02 Jul 2010, 20:01 #45 

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I found out a few days ago that Jules is on his jollies. i did pester him and he graciously responded but we'll leave him to his break..... and I think grapes would be more suitable as these things seem to resurrect quite balance permitting. ;)

I'm just gearing up to starting a new How Not To for the UBPump. :o

Posted 03 Jul 2010, 09:40 #46 

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If you have a fuel burning heater, then you will need to take the battery and its box right out, otherwise, you may just get away with it by moving the battery box forward so you can get at the lil fuel pump. Change the filter (the round thing next to the pump) while you are at it, that will save you taking things to bits again later.. .. :)

Posted 03 Jul 2010, 13:44 #47 

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....dush! as far as removing the engine cover and then realised the long alan keys were at couldn't remove the air filter cover. :?

I did try turning the ignition to position 2 with the bonnet up and the UBP sounds smooth and sweet so it will make a reasonable emergency spare when I swap it out. Just have to remember to carry the tools I need to do the business along with the old pump.....that's where a space saver spare wheel comes into its own. ;)

...ouch! bad accident at the end of least I haven't been centre punched by a 600cc bike..I hope his luck quickly improves. :cry:

Posted 04 Jul 2010, 11:23 #48 

