Question 2 - no idea!
Question 1, as an ex-trucker (and Owner/Driver) I can answer this! And the short answer to how it handles is - brilliantly! When you bear in mind that a fully laden arctic can weigh in excess of 40 tonnes and still keep up with traffic, take the load and trailer away and you are left with a unit which weighs, in the case of the Volvo F10 I used to own, just shy of 7 tonnes, with around 300bhp on tap (* I can't recall the exact bhp from memory, just Googled it). So you end up with a tall, and admittedly fairly heavy two seater sports car!
As Monsterness said above, you can beat most cars away from the lights. In fact I did this fairly often, lots of fun leaving Porsches etc standing!

Doesn't take long before they catch you up mind, as they are only using a few gears as opposed to 16 or so on a truck!
As far as cornering is concerned, it's obviously not going to be in the same league as a low slung sports car, but equally, not as bad as you might imagine, as the vast percentage of the weight is nice and low down
As for speed.... In the "good old days" pre speed limiters, it was very easy to get well over 75mph out of the unit alone (not that I ever did this of course!
