... but will the "upgrade" be free of charge? by Raistlin

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Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 07 May 2013, 13:23 #1 

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Free of charge? That depends just on the label they will stick on it. :mrgreen:

A Windows 8 Service Pack 1 will be free, but they will charge you for a Windows 9 (or some other funny name the marketing department will come up with).

Posted 07 May 2013, 14:03 #2 

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It will be a free update called Windows 8.1.
http://blogs.windows.com/windows/b/blog ... etter.aspx

Posted 14 May 2013, 17:23 #3 

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Resurrecting an old thread.

I installed Windows 8 over my trusty Windows 7 installation again and then upgraded to Windows 8.1 for all of 5 hours before I formatted the SSD and installed Windows 7 again. What a crock of poo.

It seems clear to me now that Micro$oft have absolutely no interest in desktop PCs anymore and expect them to become extinct.

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 01 Nov 2013, 20:39 #4 

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I coudnt agree more Paul , I waited for 8.1 but a waste of time, so will be buying a copy of W7 soon after i get my car sorted

What peeves me is i have to pay for W7 to put right a wrong not caused by me but it will still be worth it
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Planning is an unnatural process, much better to just get on with things, that way failure comes as a complete surprise instead of being preceeded by a period of worry and doubt

Posted 01 Nov 2013, 21:02 #5 

