The front door is an arch, and, like many houses in our road, has been converted from a porch affair where the actual door is about three feet into the house, to a flush with the front wall set up, effectively moving what was the outside porch into being part of the inside hallway
Anyway, like a lot of things on the house that were done before we bought it, the job seems to have been bodged a bit.

So, what's worrying us is, if we dig it out, what happens about a damp course? It probably has a rubbish one, if it has one at all, but guessing that, as originally the area was outdoors, it wouldn't have had one when the house was built?
If we dig down, with a view to replacing the concrete, how easy would it be to reinstate a damp course, and would it need to be tied in to the wall's course?
Any advice appreciated!