When I worked in the industry they were not allowed in unless to sweep the chimney, why has my precious time enjoyng a pint of real ale been destroyed?
What is the legal position on this these days?
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Rover418275 wrote:What is the legal position on this these days?
raistlin wrote:Rover418275 wrote:I am thinking of creating a chain of pubs that only sell real ale, no lager, no music, and brats banned. Any takers/
zojosc wrote:Brian
I know of a pub close to me like that, I'm sure you will enjoy your own company in there. Go back to the days before widescreen tv's and lager and I remember sing songs about the war when it had been over for 20 odd years, darts hitting wires and flying in all directions across the bar and being slung out at two o'clock on a Sunday afternoon just when the pub was warming up.Things change old boy and the youth get their say as you did when you stopped the Inns allowing the watering of horses and the end to mead, served by wenches.