Personal opinion based upon many years "in the job":-
Gove has been kicked out of education. The best news I am likely to hear today
I know nothing about Ms Morgan, the new incumbent, except to say that she can not possibly do as much damage as Gove did. Nice to see he's been made chief whip where he can't really break things he knows nothing about.
As I said, personal opinion from somebody who has been a lecturer for far too many years
The fact that Ken Clarke has finally been pensioned off is some cause for relief as well
Gove has been kicked out of education. The best news I am likely to hear today

I know nothing about Ms Morgan, the new incumbent, except to say that she can not possibly do as much damage as Gove did. Nice to see he's been made chief whip where he can't really break things he knows nothing about.
As I said, personal opinion from somebody who has been a lecturer for far too many years

The fact that Ken Clarke has finally been pensioned off is some cause for relief as well