Meter shows a drain of 3.8amps. With the BCU (Body Control Unit) asleep I pulled every fuse and relay in both fuse compartments one at a time, drain remained at 3.8a.
No FBH (Fuel burning heater.).
NO satnav.
No CD changer.
Not battery, charge rate, multimeter, or battery terminal/alternator connection resistance.
Disconnected all electrical mods.
Disconnected the towing electrics power supply and lighting relay.
Plenum chamber dry as a pharaohs sandal.(always has been)
Lifted the under bonnet fuse compartment and nosed around the wiring looms.
I know it will be difficult (well it would for me) but at least try to resist suggesting the hokey cokey, tilting my head to the side, squinting, standing on one leg, touching my nose with my index finger etc etc etc, but if you must.........
Drain remains at 3.8a.
In the morning I will pull the glow plug relay and the ECU (Engine Control Unit).
Any suggestions while I still have some hair left.