Anyone work in the printer/photocopier business? by Mad-Monkey

After some advice if I can. We currently have a B&W photocopier, just a little one, Canon iR1022iF and its great. Toners are dirt cheap, we can get them for about £13 refilled and they last around 6000-8000 copies. Even the originals come in at £35-40. I'd quite like a colour photocopier, or laser printer to compliment or replace the Canon. Ideally A3 would be nice, but I can probably deal with A4 as that's what we are used to.

Are there any printers/copiers out there that have reasonable toner costs? There's a copier on eBay I've found (2nd Hand) that has reasonable black print costs, £40 for 21,000 and the colour costs are reasonable - 4 toners in at £200 I think. I think it was a Canon 2270. Are these any good?

Any particular model I should look for for reliability? Print costs?

I can afford a new printer, but the copier would have to be second hand. It just needs to have low toner costs, some of them run to £££'s for one!!

Any advice?

Many Thanks

Posted 17 Sep 2013, 12:06 #1 

Ok my bad, the 2270 is a B&W only. Maybe it was 2570? Ah nuts!

Posted 17 Sep 2013, 12:12 #2 

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David, I think you've seen the LaserJet 5550 in my office at home. I can get a set of all four toners for £90 which is reasonable I think.

The 5550 is a colour laser, A3, networked, with automatic double-sided printing.

It has been totally reliable. Never missed a beat.

By all means pop in if you want to have a closer look.

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 17 Sep 2013, 13:49 #3 

I've seen a printer in your office Paul but not paid any attention to it. Is it a HP?

Posted 17 Sep 2013, 16:45 #4 

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Yes David HP Laserjet 5550DTN

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

Click the image to go to Nano-Meet Website

Posted 17 Sep 2013, 17:28 #5 

Where do you get the toners from? The place I use is advertising a set at almost £800 :shock:

Posted 17 Sep 2013, 18:18 #6 

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Fleabay - or Amazon. I use compatibles though, not OEM.

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

Click the image to go to Nano-Meet Website

Posted 17 Sep 2013, 18:24 #7 

I cant see them for 90 but plenty under 200 a set which at 50 a pop is reasonable. A definate contender. Thanks Paul.

Posted 17 Sep 2013, 18:43 #8 

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You're welcome to pop in and see one in use if you want to David

THESE are the last set I bought. Gone up a few quid in a year. They actually perform better than OEM. They tend to have several sets for sale on fleabay at any one time and with different prices. Their price can vary £25 so you need to have a proper look :)

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

Click the image to go to Nano-Meet Website

Posted 17 Sep 2013, 19:30 #9 

Cheers Paul. Looks pretty good for what I want, so probably won't need to see it running. Just deciding if I need the A3 copier bit, or just A3 printing will be fine. :)

Posted 18 Sep 2013, 11:37 #10 
