Anyone been to the Far North of Norway? by podge

Perhaps a tad late to post this up now but we have always wanted to see the Northern Lights and at the moment they are at a 60 year best,so.............
Before we get too old and infirm I thought ,why not! So on Saturday,its maps and compass (none of your SatNav here,proper maps :-) !)
A very early start,Heathrow to Oslo change planes then a longer flight to 400 miles North of the Arctic Circle to Tromso (the Northernmost largish town on this planet),then hire car (4x4 methinks),maps out and a drive further North to a tinny little fishing village,drive to the very end of the "road" find the self catering little house and fingers crossed for the rest of the week.Its quite daunting but hey,why not.I have all the cameras I can muster,its Arctic Night now,the weather is not too brilliant at the moment though.We have bought/begged/borrowed all the right gear (last week it was "warm".....-14!
So think of us next week,I will be out at 2a.m. BBBrrrr with the camera and hope to see these alusive wonders.I will post up some snaps if it all comes together...........who needs one of these all arranged cruises,this is much more fun!
As an aside my late Dad always reckoned we had Scandinavian turns out that our surname is a direct Norwegian translation for Owl!!!
So perhaps this is our "call of the wild" returning home!

A video all shot where we are going ....quite soul stirring stuff.Pete.

Posted 09 Jan 2013, 21:31 #1 

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Not quite there but in a similar place at this time of year. The lights, when they happen, are quite magical and have to be seen. It was rather colder one visit, we put cars in the freezers, to keep them warm.

I do have to ask why 2AM, though. It's dark from about 2.30 PM until 10.30 AM, and even then not really light. My best view was around 10 in the evening walking back to the hotel. Same week the second gulf war was started.

Posted 09 Jan 2013, 22:25 #2 

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What a great expedition, maybe one I would like to do myself one day. Be interested to know of the costs incurred. :geek:

Posted 10 Jan 2013, 23:54 #3 

