Anybody interested? by Raistlin

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There is altogether too much myth and mystique surrounding our judicial system.

Members of the public are at liberty to observe in both Magistrates' and Crown Courts but I would have to agree when a lot of people tell me it seems like double-dutch to the "uninitiated". Not my choice of word but one frequently used.

I am of the view that the more people know about the Court processes, the better they will understand what might otherwise be baffling.

OK, here's the deal. I frequently host observers in Wolverhampton Magistrates' Court and I'm happy to do so for anybody on the Community forum. I imagine it probably sounds completely boring and of no interest but if anybody might like to consider it there are two ways in which it can be accomplished, either by observing my Court and asking questions when I'm available, in which case you get to see yours truly in action (an unedifying thought, I know :lol) but at least you'd be satisfied that I really do sit up there :)

Or, the other way is that I take you around the Court, observing as many different Courts as possible, where I can answer your questions and explain things in real-time as it were.

Either way, you'd start off at my house (cos it costs a fortune if you've got to find parking in the city ;)), we would get into Court early and I would then show you around a Court room, explaining who goes where and does what, with the possibility of meeting and talking to Probation officers, visiting the cells, talking to other Magistrates or a tame District Judge, prosecutors and defence advocates.

Then you would either observe my Court or I would host you around the various Courts, depending upon what we had agreed beforehand. The advantage being that you get to ask your questions as and when they arise.

Clearly, if I was sitting, my first responsibility must always be to the Court so we would have to stay until my presence was no longer required.

You would not be allowed into Youth or Family Courts as they are closed but I'd have to say that adult criminal is probably the most interesting anyway.

There would be no guarantees. One never knows what the day is going to turn up, or who is going available to chat to you.

It does tend to get a bit lively if there is a defendant accused of murder in but clearly, those are a rare occurrence :lol: but seeing how motoring offences are dealt with might be interesting as well.

There you go. Welcome to my world... if you're interested :)

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 19 Aug 2013, 20:05 #1 

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Borg Warner
If I wasn't a 150miles away Paul would absolutely jump at the chance.

Damn that would be interesting.

Gary M.

Posted 19 Aug 2013, 21:20 #2 

Dave Goody
:-D Would it be easier if I just steal a car?

Posted 19 Aug 2013, 21:31 #3 

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Bermudan 75
Count me in Paul, as you are aware I was in P1 (Legal Services) in the RAF and I used to enjoy attending Courts Martial, (not my own you understand) :lol:



Posted 19 Aug 2013, 21:59 #4 

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Whenever is mutually convenient Mike :)

Have to say, I was probably right in my perception that people find the idea boring. I am underwhelmed :lol:

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

Click the image to go to Nano-Meet Website

Posted 21 Aug 2013, 13:58 #5 

I would be interested but being so far away and needing somebody to keep an eye on my Dad would mean it's probably not going to be feasible - but I think that it is a very kind and intriguing offer.

Posted 21 Aug 2013, 15:04 #6 

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Bolin wrote:I would be interested but being so far away and needing somebody to keep an eye on my Dad would mean it's probably not going to be feasible - but I think that it is a very kind and intriguing offer.

Thank you. Never know, maybe you'll be in the area in the future :)

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

Click the image to go to Nano-Meet Website

Posted 21 Aug 2013, 15:23 #7 

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I would of loved to have come along for the day but due to distance I won't be able to attend.

Posted 21 Aug 2013, 15:26 #8 

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Ah, I'm getting a message here :lol:

This isn't for a specific date chaps. It is an open-ended invitation. If you are a fair distance away then something to bear in mind perhaps if you have need of being in the great Metrolops or surrounding environs and might want to add this to your itinerary :)

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

Click the image to go to Nano-Meet Website

Posted 21 Aug 2013, 15:45 #9 

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I would like to take you up on this Paul, I have intimated so in the past but forgot about it. Will have to be later in the year however, as I have a 5 week break imminent.
I don't like signatures, they take up too much screen space.

Posted 21 Aug 2013, 18:59 #10 

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(Site Admin)
Paul, that sounds interesting indeed. :thumbsup:

Posted 21 Aug 2013, 19:45 #11 

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OK chaps :) Let me know a period of time and I'll sort something out.

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

Click the image to go to Nano-Meet Website

Posted 21 Aug 2013, 20:18 #12 

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Bermudan 75
Is the offer still open Paul? Are Bernard and Jürgen still interested?



Posted 24 Feb 2014, 19:25 #13 

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Open ended offer Mike. Nobody has, as yet, attempted to fix a date though.

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

Click the image to go to Nano-Meet Website

Posted 24 Feb 2014, 19:36 #14 

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(Site Admin)
Fixing a date could prove to be a bit tricky ... but it's certainly worth a try.

Posted 24 Feb 2014, 19:59 #15 

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Apologies Paul, things have been a little frantic chez nous for the last few months with Janina having yet another problem. I could probably do it soon though. How do we proceed from here?
I don't like signatures, they take up too much screen space.

Posted 24 Feb 2014, 20:03 #16 

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Bernard wrote:Apologies Paul, things have been a little frantic chez nous for the last few months with Janina having yet another problem. I could probably do it soon though. How do we proceed from here?

I knew that Bernard. I wasn't having a go :lol: I appreciate that people have real lives as well so was quite happy to leave it on the back burner until somebody raised the matter again.

OK. First of all, do you want to observe me in Court or do you want to observe a Court with me in attendance.

In the former you might be invited into the retiring room if time permits and we are not discussing an uncompleted case but would have the opportunity, in any event, to ask me questions after the Court rises.

In the latter, if things were unclear, I could answer your questions in real time, as it were.

It is sometimes possible, depending upon timings, to do both.

Based upon your preference I could then provide you with a selection of dates.

On the day, we would meet at my house and then travel in to Court together in VeeKay to take advantage of the appropriate parking facilities.

Regardless, you would be fully briefed on what to expect in Court. I'll endeavour to stop you doing or saying anything that would land you in custody :lol:

Best regards to Janina and hoping things are improving. Clearly, if Janina was interested and able, the invitation would apply equally.

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

Click the image to go to Nano-Meet Website

Posted 24 Feb 2014, 20:18 #17 

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Bermudan 75
Would it be possible to make it a Wednesday chaps?



Posted 24 Feb 2014, 20:23 #18 

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As I said above Mike, it depends upon what you want to do.

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

Click the image to go to Nano-Meet Website

Posted 24 Feb 2014, 20:42 #19 

Paul, would be interested - did jury service many years ago and, having thought it was going to be dull found it very thought provoking - especially the discussions in the jury room.

That apart Mrs Lincoln, did you enjoy the play


Posted 24 Feb 2014, 21:18 #20 

