Another tale from the Court by Raistlin

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I was chairing a trial Court this morning.

The defence advocate was a rather attractive lady of middling years who stood to address her closing speech to the Bench.

Whilst doing so, slowly, very slowly, her skirt began to slide down, unfortunately for her, the movement was so slow as to be unnoticed as it continued its somewhat leisurely way South.

I was at a loss as to how to let her know without causing her embarrassment, at the same time taking 'Judicial Notice' that her legs were every bit as attractive as the rest of her :lol:

In the end I said, "Ms *****, reluctant as I am to interrupt your speech, please take a seat for a moment as I have a point I need to raise with my colleagues."

At which point, having given the hapless victim the benefit of tactical obscurity in the advocates' pews, I was able to turn away from the mesmerising sight only to have the lady winger on my left growl, "Left that long enough didn't you?" along with a (quite) unwarranted comment about dirty schoolboys ;)

The advocate concerned, having recovered her modesty, came to our retiring room at the next opportunity to thank the Bench for our "tact and diplomacy".

You see all sorts from the Bench, this not being an isolated incident I have to say, recalling, not so very long ago, a situation where there had been a noticeable 'TWANG' from the direction of the advocate, followed by an immediate return to the seated position along with a rather red face.

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 07 Feb 2013, 13:39 #1 

Would it be ungallant to enquire if you just, purely by chance you understand, happened to notice....well I hardly dare, but here goes: the colour of the brief?

Posted 07 Feb 2013, 14:58 #2 

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buff with a red ribbon is the answer I believe you are looking for ;)

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 07 Feb 2013, 15:37 #3 

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Not like you to skirt around an issue :o
Photobucket = Tossers


Posted 07 Feb 2013, 16:28 #4 

Buff? No, you can't, surely not. I wouldn't advocate that colour this weather. I know commandos are rufty tufty but, honestly.
had to edit that then, grammar deserted me and don't know why.

Posted 07 Feb 2013, 16:47 #5 
