Amy winehouse dead by goodlittlewifey

goodlittlewifey ... l?ITO=1490

what a waste,
What a shame she couldnt turn her life around before it was too late,
I feel so sorry for her parents, her dad tried so hard to help her.

Posted 23 Jul 2011, 17:26 #1 


Posted 23 Jul 2011, 17:40 #2 

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I know I'm going to be in the minority here but I'd have to say that there are others who more urgently deserve our sympathy than a poor little rich girl who was on a self-determined collision course with death. What a wonderful role model she made for the young people who followed her.

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 23 Jul 2011, 18:33 #3 

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It's been a question of 'when' rather than 'if' for some time.

Posted 23 Jul 2011, 21:17 #4 

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for a long time she has walked a path of self destruction and at times almost getting on to the right path but getting lost again . sad for her to of died but not really a total surprise

Posted 24 Jul 2011, 07:18 #5 

I think her song about refusing to go in to rehab set such a bad example for others it was obscene. No doubt they will not learn from this but she is now in permanent rehab.

That apart Mrs Lincoln, did you enjoy the play


Posted 24 Jul 2011, 07:19 #6 

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raistlin wrote:I know I'm going to be in the minority here but I'd have to say that there are others who more urgently deserve our sympathy than a poor little rich girl who was on a self-determined collision course with death. What a wonderful role model she made for the young people who followed her.

Well said Paul. I can think of at least 90 in Norway straight away!
"Keep Smilin'"

Posted 24 Jul 2011, 07:51 #7 

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zojosc wrote:
raistlin wrote:I know I'm going to be in the minority here but I'd have to say that there are others who more urgently deserve our sympathy than a poor little rich girl who was on a self-determined collision course with death. What a wonderful role model she made for the young people who followed her.

Well said Paul. I can think of at least 90 in Norway straight away!

very true

Posted 24 Jul 2011, 07:57 #8 
