Am I the only one who thinks this is wrong? by carlpenn

My Step Daughter was doing her homework at the weekend and she asked me a question about Africa, Basically the topic was wealth (or lack of) in Africa etc.

Anyway, I explained to her that certain countries are referred to as Third World Countries, due to their lack of wealth and so forth (without going too deep into it). She then asked me, to my shock, what was a Thirld World Country! So I explained to her the definition, She then responded with "Oh it is an LDC we are not allowed to call the Third World Countries anymore" I asked what an LDC was, she replied "A Lesser Developed Country".

Apparently referring to Poorer Countries as Lesser Developed Countries is now socially acceptable?

How can referring to a Nation / Country as a "Lesser" be acceptable? Surely with the possible definition of Lesser being "Inferior" kind of contradicts the whole "Political Correctness" of it's purpose?

Or has the PC Brigade finally broken my Spirit? :-|

Fitted Electric Memory Seat, Leather Cubby Lid, Wood Dash, Message Centre.

Posted 12 Jul 2010, 08:48 #1 

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(Site Admin)
Not allowed, that really doesn't work for me. Call it what you like. It's been third world for most of my life time and will remain so. IMV, lesser developed is pretty demeaning. And what about second world, what's the new name for that? Slightly lesser? Not so developed? Total garbage as is all PC nonsense IMNSHO.

Posted 12 Jul 2010, 10:02 #2 

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Not 'Lesser' but 'Less'...

'Less-developed countries' or 'Developing countries': Term used for economically poor nations exporting raw materials, fuels, minerals, and some food products to the industrialized, rich, and developed countries, in exchange mostly for manufactured goods; more often called developing countries. More and more less-developed countries are striving to industrialize by concentrating on manufacturing labor-intensive products and exporting them at prices lower than the ones offered by developed nations.

Can't see a problem with that...nor with 'third world countries' myself.... :D

Posted 12 Jul 2010, 10:20 #3 

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Zeb wrote:Not 'Lesser' but 'Less'...

'Less-developed countries' or 'Developing countries': Term used for economically poor nations exporting raw materials, fuels, minerals, and some food products to the industrialized, rich, and developed countries, in exchange mostly for manufactured goods; more often called developing countries. More and more less-developed countries are striving to industrialize by concentrating on manufacturing labor-intensive products and exporting them at prices lower than the ones offered by developed nations.

Can't see a problem with that...nor with 'third world countries' myself.... :D

As someone that has just completed their GCSE in Geography I can safely say that Carl is correct.
LEDC = Less Economically Developed country.
MEDC = More Economically Developed country.
Superabit omnia virtus

Posted 12 Jul 2010, 10:28 #4 

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Just to add....Nowt to do with PC....t'is simply a more accurate / useful description. :)

Posted 12 Jul 2010, 10:33 #5 

Cowley_MOA wrote:
Zeb wrote:Not 'Lesser' but 'Less'...

'Less-developed countries' or 'Developing countries': Term used for economically poor nations exporting raw materials, fuels, minerals, and some food products to the industrialized, rich, and developed countries, in exchange mostly for manufactured goods; more often called developing countries. More and more less-developed countries are striving to industrialize by concentrating on manufacturing labor-intensive products and exporting them at prices lower than the ones offered by developed nations.

Can't see a problem with that...nor with 'third world countries' myself.... :D

As someone that has just completed their GCSE in Geography I can safely say that Carl is correct.
LEDC = Less Economically Developed country.
MEDC = More Economically Developed country.


So someone hasn't been paying attention in Class has she........... lol............. :roll:

Fitted Electric Memory Seat, Leather Cubby Lid, Wood Dash, Message Centre.

Posted 12 Jul 2010, 12:07 #6 

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"Under developed" hmmm, Like my lil back garden then. :lol: But the birds, butterflies n things love it.

In many cases the most "under developed" places on this earth are the most beautifull. :thumbsup: :)

Not for me personally though, if I can't get there in me poshe car, then I ain't goin!! :D

Posted 12 Jul 2010, 13:29 #7 

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zojosc wrote:

In many cases the most "under developed" places on this earth are the most beautifull. :thumbsup: :)

I was once told that I had a beautifull brain.
"Keep Smilin'"

Posted 12 Jul 2010, 13:34 #8 

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:iagree: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted 12 Jul 2010, 14:02 #9 

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SWMBO confirmed that they are now taught as LEDC / MEDC. They don't use third world any more as it seems to imply third rate.

Posted 13 Jul 2010, 06:56 #10 

