The light comes on to start , then goes off for a few seconds but then comes back on again together with the IPK (Instrument pack (IPK from the German)) flashing Airbag Fault.
There are still things to check but so far have:
Changed plugs under both seats
Tested all 3 rear seatbelt pre tensioners by plugging in a working one
Tested both front seatbelt pretensioners by plugging in a working one
Tested both side impact sensors by plugging in a working one
There are still the airbags in both seats, the steering wheel airbag and passenger airbag in the dash not tested but its got to the stage where I have convinced myself it ain't gonna go out.
Any ideas , could it be the DCU at fault and is it located under the centre console?
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Planning is an unnatural process, much better to just get on with things, that way failure comes as a complete surprise instead of being preceeded by a period of worry and doubt