Location, location, seems to be very effective in quotes and your job of course.
If I moved into England my premium for the cover I now have would go up to around the £415 mark well over £200 more than I'm paying!
Garaged Cars cheapest of course, but on road is now cheaper than if kept on a drive or off road due to break-in for keys.
Incidentally mine is Fully Comp, Protected, Business use 45,000 miles PA, Legal Cover, Guaranteed car loan of same size/power spec for up to 14 days if written off or until car repaired, Modifications declared, £1500 stereo/Sat Nav cover, uninsured car cover, Guaranteed valualation (Extra fee paid) and all the usual things.
Premium £213, but allowances for 10 Years proven no claims, Advanced drivers licence, Ex Police Class 1 driver, very low postcode loading, Company Job type discount, and shock/horror no endorsements
So yes cheap premiums are out there still.