A tale... Ooops, I forgot about those. by Raistlin

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I was chairing a trial yesterday involving possession of class B Cannabis.

We retired to consider the evidence and there was so much stuff that I ended up shoving some items in my pocket just to make sure we got everything we needed.

Anyway, having found the defendant guilty we sentenced, including a Forfeiture and Destruction orer on the Cannabis.

Driving home I was aware of a distinct smell of herbal Cannabis in the car and assumed it was on my hands having examiined several street wraps which were exhibited in evidence.

Having arrived home I gave my hands a good wash and there was no more Cannabis smell, which by the way, if you've never come in contact with it, stinks.

Later yesterday evening I went into the bedroom and was nearly high on the spot from the stink of Cannabis and it was then that I remembered having stuffed the street wraps in my suit jacket pocket earlier when we retired to consider the evidence. OOOPS...

A quick phone call to the central Police station in Wolverhampton and I got through to the exhibits officer, explaining my problem. The £^$%"^£ laughed his head off... and so did the two Police officers who turned up some time later to take possession of the Cannabis.

Imagine if I've been stopped for a spot check on the way home. I'd have had some explaining to do :lol:

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 15 Dec 2015, 10:56 #1 

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Now that does sound like the script from a TV show! Brilliant! :D

Posted 15 Dec 2015, 12:23 #2 

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(Site Admin)
I say you should have destroyed the evidence................. By, wrapping it in a fag paper and setting fire to it. :D

Posted 15 Dec 2015, 13:22 #3 

Tell the truth you thought 'if I sell this I can buy a new switch with bulb and holder for my Jag' but then thought better of it :)

That apart Mrs Lincoln, did you enjoy the play


Posted 15 Dec 2015, 13:27 #4 

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Gren 24
Its a Good thing you had not sent your suit to the cleaners.,but by the sounds of it you my have to to get the smell of it.

Posted 15 Dec 2015, 16:10 #5 

Gren 24 wrote:Its a Good thing you had not sent your suit to the cleaners.,but by the sounds of it you my have to to get the smell of it.

You can imagine Inspector Knacker 'now then someone has drugs on them in court let's make a search, get the dog in'.

That apart Mrs Lincoln, did you enjoy the play


Posted 15 Dec 2015, 16:34 #6 

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Photobucket = Tossers


Posted 16 Dec 2015, 17:48 #7 

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Done for possession on your birthday.---------( Almost. Lol. )
Best not say ---Many hippy returns then.---

Posted 17 Dec 2015, 21:09 #8 

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Colvert wrote:---Many hippy returns then.---

Groan ;)

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 17 Dec 2015, 22:34 #9 

