A salutary tale. by Raistlin

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Has anybody ever setup an Epson XP-312 printer? I just had the misfortune to do so.

The instructions form the PC screen were perfectly clear and I followed OK until i was asked to make a choice between USB or WiFi connection.

With some misgivings I chose Wi-Fi... foolish indivudual :(

The first thing it does is to disable your internet connection. It then takes roughly 10 minutes apparently doing nothing. Eventually it gives you some further instructions and then refused to budge for a furtherer 10 minutes.

At this point it told me that installation has failed and would I like to have a printed report?

Clearly, if it is capable of printing a report then there cannot be much wrong with the installation.

I clicked on the "NO" icon because I was shortly due in a lecture so, Microsoft-like, it told me it was printing a report anyway.

After a further 10 minutes it had not printed a single character but was occasionally chuntering a little bit and I had to leave it to its own devices.

I have just returned to my office and the report has been printed. Pretty comprehensive report actually. This is what was printed:-

"Installation has failed"

With such an informative report I could see why it took at least 10 minutes and god knows how much longer to actually print it out.

In the mean time my internet connection was still down and there was no further instruction on the screen from the Epson setup as to what to do next.

In desperation I re-booted and got my internet connection re-established... along with a message to the effect that:

"Setup did not complete and will re-start. Your internet connection will not be available during the setup procedure."

I plugged a USB cable in and the PC found the printer immediately.

I think I'll leave it at that :(

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

Click the image to go to Nano-Meet Website

Posted 18 Jul 2014, 11:02 #1 

Well, if in 14 years MS has not sorted all the bugs in XP then what chance other companies.

Very frustrating when reports only tell you what you already know.

That apart Mrs Lincoln, did you enjoy the play


Posted 18 Jul 2014, 17:36 #2 
