One of my students was in a foul mood this morning. So much so that I tackled him about it at a convenient point.
Apparently he has been charged with "Conduct prejudicial to good order and discipline" contrary to s.19 of the Armed Forces Act 2006 and was expecting a trial by Court Martial.
I asked if he minded explaining the reason and it seems that one day last week, when it was pelting down with rain, he'd been upset to find the smoker's shelter full of Arab students. So much so it seems, that he made a comment about f*** wog rag-heads should f*** off back to the f***ing desert.
Hardly surprising then, that, if overheard, he would face the charge he mentioned and I said as much.
His mitigating comment was:- "I got nothing against the rag-heads... one of my best friends is half Muslim. They just shouldn't be over here".
In the face of such puerile naiveté didn't see any point in exploring further
Apparently he has been charged with "Conduct prejudicial to good order and discipline" contrary to s.19 of the Armed Forces Act 2006 and was expecting a trial by Court Martial.
I asked if he minded explaining the reason and it seems that one day last week, when it was pelting down with rain, he'd been upset to find the smoker's shelter full of Arab students. So much so it seems, that he made a comment about f*** wog rag-heads should f*** off back to the f***ing desert.
Hardly surprising then, that, if overheard, he would face the charge he mentioned and I said as much.
His mitigating comment was:- "I got nothing against the rag-heads... one of my best friends is half Muslim. They just shouldn't be over here".
In the face of such puerile naiveté didn't see any point in exploring further