It's common amongst motor cyclists and pilots within crash circumstances, where massive deceleration terminates with impact. Ever since, I've managed driving with an auto-box and power steering. Now an OAP however, I found switching on the lights and dipping them whilst also steering increasingly irksome as my general elasticity diminishes.
I tried companies involved with disability controls fitting, but found them both 'over the top' for what I needed in terms of functionality and expensive for your average 'in between' cripple like me!
I was seeking ease of operation, much as say someone with arthritis would seek adjacency, not the fuller need to operate foot pedal functions by hand.
I'd tried to find a method to control my lights by remote control and a good old fashioned foot dip switch for the 'flash' and full / low beam utility for night driving.
Both proved evasive to acquire. Many wasted journeys followed to those who promised much, but in inevitability always resorted to the car being collected untouched to accompanying languid statements of;
'Woh Woh' and 'it can't be done', 'there's a hole in my bucket' etc. followed on and off, for over 4 years of trying.
Frustrated two years ago I gave up and resigned myself to struggle, eventually culminating in a shortened driving career!
Very near giving up, I made contact with a genial pair of wizards 'Raistlin and Duncan'. I was asked to provide a remote sender and circuit board kit from a specialist manufacturer, which was duly dispatched. I then travelled a week or so later to Wolverhampton and met Paul who'd been provided with a custom assembled mini wiring loom from Duncan, utilising his great knowledge of the 75's circuitry. Forty five minutes later 'Raistlin' emerged from a host of wires and circuits to request me to "try your lights?"
It worked of course first time as if it were a factory fitted extra.
This weekend at the Wolverhampton 'Nano Meet' a similar operation was undertaken by Duncan for the 'Dipper/Flasher'.
It was only on the journey home, that full realisation on how much I'd struggled these past 35 years became so plainly axiomatic
The innate relief of 'remembering ' as I subconsciously reached down for the lighting dial in the dusk, that 'NO', the new and easier attribute is a click away, was well worth experiencing!
The 'flash' function is just fantastic. From operational deprivation, I'd become a selfish driver. Going home, I was able to let people out in front who were being boxed in by other more selfish folk, safely and with ease.
These genial Electro-Kings now want to offer this benefit multilaterally to members who could do with a bit of help like me.
Paul (Raistin) or Duncan have told me they would like to offer this innovation to a wider audience - it's well worth talking to them believe me. It's the best job completed on my '75, by a long, long way!