The first one of note was a Latvian 44 Tonne truck driver who was stopped while trying to drive the wrong way into the bus station from the Wolverhampton ring road. It was thought to be a genuine mistake, until a Police officer, who had been called to assist the truck in reversing back onto the main carriageway, noticed a faint smell of alcohol, whereupon he administered the screening breath test and arrested the driver, who was subsequently tested on the evidential breath tester and was found to have a lowest of two readings of 190 microgrammes of alcohol in 100ml of breath.
The legal limit is 35, making the truck driver, in charge of 44 Tonnes of truck, more or less five and a half times the limit.
In his statement, the Police officer said that there was no indication that the truck driver had been drinking as he was perfectly lucid and capable. It was merely a slight whiff of alcohol which had aroused the officer's suspicions.
Another of note was a benefit fraudster, who fraudulently claimed a total of £86000 over a period of 12 years, representing herself to be unemployed when she was, in fact, the owner of a luxury goods import business with an annual profit, not turnover, last year, of £670000. She apparently has ambitions (I kid you not) to stand as an MP.
Finally, a girl of 11 was brought before the Court charged with criminal damage. She had been involved in an argument with her case-worker at a local children's home and in a fit of temper had kicked a plastic chair which had hit a wall and scraped the wallpaper. She now has a criminal record

... and home in time for tea and medals.