A couple of thought provoking cases by Raistlin

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There were a couple of points which stuck in my mind about the cases I heard yesterday.

In one case, a chap, poor soul, was charged with being in charge of a car whilst unfit through drink or drugs.

His blood test indicated 3 times the alcohol limit. The sad thing is that the Police found him locked in his car with a hosepipe from the exhaust to the interior.

In another case a serial prostitute was up for breaching a curfew order which was given for breaching an ASBO which prohibited her from engaging in prostitution.

There were a multitude of breaches of the curfew but she was prosecuted upon six specimen charges.

Apparently, on on occasion, after having returned to her residence some 4 hours after curfew time, she phoned the monitoring centre to explain that she was late because she'd been out "working" :lol:

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

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Posted 24 May 2011, 12:15 #1 

raistlin wrote:There were a couple of points which stuck in my mind about the cases I heard yesterday.

In one case, a chap, poor soul, was charged with being in charge of a car whilst unfit through drink or drugs.

His blood test indicated 3 times the alcohol limit. The sad thing is that the Police found him locked in his car with a hosepipe from the exhaust to the interior.

And they are supposed to protect us - would have thought urgent psychiatric help would have been the order of the day. I dare say telling him he was being prosecuted for being drunk in charge really raised his spirits (no pun intended)

That apart Mrs Lincoln, did you enjoy the play


Posted 24 May 2011, 13:37 #2 

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That poor guy should never have been charged, in my opinion, having found a colleague in similar circumstances some years ago.
I hope the case was thrown out.
I don't like signatures, they take up too much screen space.

Posted 24 May 2011, 16:13 #3 
