A big thank you....... by handyjackdaniels

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I want to give a big mention to Ben Cairns( typhoon190) for the helpful and generous contribution he has made in my quest for a replacement powerfold switchpack. It was the board that needed replacing and Ben had one, tested it and cleaned the contacts and has posted it off too me first class..........when I asked for a price for this all he wanted was for me to make a donation to this community.which I gladly have done.

I feel this needs to be highlighted as I have been told he helps out a lot at the nano meets etc and doesn't always get the recognition he deserves, so Ben...........I salute you!!

Also a mention must go to Paul(raistlin) for all his help in my install of a total closure module, Paul. Thank you.


Posted 20 Feb 2015, 09:31 #1 

