75ZT Community Flyer by Mick (Page 2 of 3)

What has all this about a flyer got to do with adrian flux ?

Posted 09 Jun 2010, 10:57 #21 

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DerekS wrote:A nice looking flyer, and neat and concise .. BUT you are preaching to the converted there.
Is this flyer an invitation to a stranger to join a club ?

Yes it is and very much so. The first line is an invitation in exactly those terms. Only this isn't a club, it is a loose association of like minded people, without a formal structure.

DerekS wrote:No its a statement about a car .

Yes it is as well and rightly so.

DerekS wrote:'logon to the forum 75ztcommunity.co.uk' ...... is not possible it doesnt work does it ?
Its not a complete address .

Yes it is. The web address is just as it appears 75ztcommunity.co.uk ......... www is unnecessary and so last century. Try it and see. Clear your browser address window and type in just the url as shown. All the best sites do not require the www prefix.

DerekS wrote:Remember that not everybody
a) Knows about MG Rover cars and associations
b) knows how to join the club
c) is computer savvy

a. These flyers will be affixed to the windscreen of Rover 75 and MG ZT cars.
b. By using the url shown and accessing the forum as a guest.
c. Being somewhat computer savvy is a pre requisite for using an internet forum.

DerekS wrote:There is nothing referring to the actual website ,only an email address of the crew.

The web url is repeated twice on the flyer
The email address is thecrew@75ztcommunity.co.uk
We four are "the crew", this will become more apparent when the new style is introduced as the front end of this forum

We do not as yet have permission to use the copyright protected MG and Rover badge logos. If and when we do they can be edited in to the flyer in an appropriate position.

Please don't feel obliged in any way to use these flyers. If you wish to make your own then please feel free to use the Community logo and format to include any and all information you think will promote the forum. If you have a problem cutting and pasting the community logo then PM me and I will send you a useable copy.

Posted 09 Jun 2010, 12:41 #22 

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DerekS wrote:What has all this about a flyer got to do with adrian flux ?

I take it that you have not noticed that each forum has an announcement section at the top of it. Global announcements appear here and do not relate to the particular forum you are browsing.

Posted 09 Jun 2010, 12:43 #23 

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Mick wrote:Just as BTW. All the design elements in and around this community will be subtle, understated and oozing class, just like our cars. Garish and crass is for other folk and other marques. You all had the good taste to buy these cars, we will reflect that good taste in every way we can.

Well, said, Mick. :thumbsup:

Posted 09 Jun 2010, 19:26 #24 

Thanks for your replies. You have spent much time and energy setting up the site, and I congratulate you and all concerned.

I can see your point of view, which happens to be different from mine, however I hope the community prospers in the future.

Posted 09 Jun 2010, 22:30 #25 

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Bermudan 75
Handed out a number of these at a secret location week last Sunday where they went down a treat. ps Concorde and Nimrod were nearby.

Also slapped one on a burgundy 75 that just happened to be parked on my road the other day.

I now keep a stash (of flyers) in the car to place considerately on any 75/ZTs that I come across.

Posted 21 Jun 2010, 19:29 #26 

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Rover418275 wrote:Handed out a number of these at a secret location week last Sunday where they went down a treat. ps Concorde and Nimrod were nearby.

Also slapped one on a burgundy 75 that just happened to be parked on my road the other day.

I now keep a stash (of flyers) in the car to place considerately on any 75/ZTs that I come across.

Well done Mike, word of mouth is probably the best way to build this community up. Let's it grow slowly and organically for best results. :)

Posted 21 Jun 2010, 20:16 #27 

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Did you zap the Nimrod with one Mike?

Cogito ergo sum... maybe?

Click the image to go to Nano-Meet Website

Posted 21 Jun 2010, 20:38 #28 

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Bermudan 75
Would have done but at 5 ft 8 in, I could not reach the windscreen

Posted 21 Jun 2010, 21:37 #29 

ok so ive downloaded it so wheres it gone now :angry:

Posted 29 Jun 2010, 20:40 #30 

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Most probably in your 'downloads' folder...if not then your 'documents' folder....you just need to know the name of the file you just downloaded... :)

Posted 29 Jun 2010, 20:45 #31 

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DerekS wrote:'logon to the forum 75ztcommunity.co.uk' ...... is not possible it doesnt work does it ?
Its not a complete address .

Have to agree on the web address. The "www", although not really necessary to access the site, is a key thing for many people to indicate that it is indeed a web site, so they know what to do...

2004 MG ZT+ CDTi 135


Posted 05 Jul 2010, 15:27 #32 

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Bermudan 75
We need to add the official 75 / ZT lettering, also at the recent Cheshire meet 20 odd (well ok perhaps me and Richard) were not struck by the line, 'look back etc'.

To be perfectly honest for the 75/ZT Community to work, push the local meets, therein lies the future success.

Am willing to organise, with others a Cheshire local group.



Posted 05 Jul 2010, 16:34 #33 

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Rover418275 wrote:We need to add the official 75 / ZT lettering,

Until we have written confirmation from Xpart that we can use the Rover 75 and MG ZT logos we are steering clear as they own the copyright. Not to the font of course but in relation to the cars. However, the community logo will not change under any circumstances. That is the Communities corporate identity.
Rover418275 wrote:also at the recent Cheshire meet 20 odd (well ok perhaps me and Richard) were not struck by the line, 'look back etc'.

A quote from the original designer or near enough. Have you something else in mind? All input gratefully received. Or it could simply be removed it it is found to be offensive by let's say more than two people. :)

Rover418275 wrote:To be perfectly honest for the 75/ZT Community to work, push the local meets, therein lies the future success.

Am willing to organise, with others a Cheshire local group.

We don't do pushing. Local meets are where it is at and we will help and support any that are organised, it is up to members such as yourself to organise local meets using the forum to advertise them and gain attendance, we will of course offer assistance if required.
Just choose a venue and a date and post it up, that's all it takes. :)

Please bear in mind we have only been open to the public for a few short weeks.

Posted 05 Jul 2010, 17:00 #34 

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calibrax wrote:
DerekS wrote:'logon to the forum 75ztcommunity.co.uk' ...... is not possible it doesnt work does it ?
Its not a complete address .

Have to agree on the web address. The "www", although not really necessary to access the site, is a key thing for many people to indicate that it is indeed a web site, so they know what to do...

As you are one of several that feel the www. is necessary in a URL to make it understandable to the masses. I have succumbed and altered the community flyer to reflect this change.

It really is so last century though. :ugeek:

Posted 05 Jul 2010, 17:10 #35 

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Mick wrote:It really is so last century though. :ugeek:

We are last century though.
Some of us nearer to the century before. :shock:
I don't like signatures, they take up too much screen space.

Posted 05 Jul 2010, 17:37 #36 

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Mick wrote:It really is so last century though. :ugeek:

Oh, don't get me wrong, I agree totally. But many owners of the marque are also very "last century"! :mrgreen:

2004 MG ZT+ CDTi 135


Posted 05 Jul 2010, 17:38 #37 

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Bermudan 75
Good point, can we have some comments please? apart from mine, ?

OK lets get going, we need the original MGR (logo)subject to copy write issues, but let's put our heads together to sort this.

Come on folks, this is something new, lets get it going, stuff Pete & Chris, our club is about our cars NOT personalities.



Posted 05 Jul 2010, 18:30 #38 

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I think the logo is superb, very clever whoever the team were, well done indeed!

Posted 05 Jul 2010, 22:06 #39 

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Chartermark wrote:Mick,

I think the logo is superb, very clever whoever the team were, well done indeed!

The logo is Simons work as is all the design work on the site, with a little input regarding usability from myself and the other lads. Other than that he has a totally free hand. I am for one delighted with what he has achieved.

Posted 06 Jul 2010, 01:01 #40 
